Thursday, 3 June 2010



My name is Jo and I'm a 49-year-old freelance personal trainer who needs help!  Being a "woman of a certain age" and having been vastly overweight (17st) until I was 30 I've always had trouble in shifting that last stone.

Well, help is at hand in the form of Dax Moy - check him out here: - and his new M.A.P. system.

There will be up to 1,000 of us taking part, it all kicks off on Monday and I'll be blogging every day to chart my progress.  All I know so far is that we will be doing 4x15 minute training sessions per day and following Dax's Elimination Diet - you can download this from Dax's website above.

To the left you can see my not very pretty "before" photos - my "after" photos will, hopefully, be SO much better!

So, with a song in my heart and a spring in my step (and a slight feeling of fear - I've done Dax's systems before!) I'm ready and raring to go!

Finally, I'd just like to wish all the others doing M.A.P. the best of luck and I'm sure the next 30 days will be one hell of an adventure!


  1. you crack me up with your "mature woman" spiel! You are not old! Well, I am not old I guess I want to say! We are in our prime, and it will only get better!! Certain age? Sure, but proud of every minute! And you look great Jo, and will look even better in 30 days! :-)

  2. Thanks, Annette! Go, us (women of a certain age) Go!
