Thursday, 17 June 2010

DAY 10 - June 16, 2010

Hi!  Here I am again!

I was right to look forward to my breakfast smoothie - it was ORGASMIC!  I was slightly concerned that I'd want to drink them all day but no just the one at breakfast was enough.  In case you're interested, this is my breakfast smoothie recipe:-

  1 cup frozen berries
  1 small banana (or half a larger one)
  a small dollop of nut butter (I use either cashew or almond or hazelnut)
  a large dollop of plain, live Greek yoghurt
  a sploosh of Rice Dream

  whizz it all up with a hand blender and there you go - YUM!

All the ingredients are Elimination Diet compliant - why not download a copy here?

Sorry not to be too precise with the measurements but just play about with it and find the combo you like best.  Why not comment here and let me know what you use - I'm always open to new food ideas!

Exercise-wise.....again another busy day but I managed to get all 4 workouts done so I'm happy - with a sore butt (still!) - but happy.

Right!  Time to go and spend some time with Simon and Buddy......I will do my best to be back tomorrow - see you then!

1 comment:

  1. Yummie smoothie and all 4 workouts done - awesome!
