Wednesday 30 June 2010

DAY 22 - June 28, 2010

I can't believe we're on Day 22 already!

Honestly though, it's been tough fitting in all the M.A.P. workouts and sometimes I've not worked as hard as I could have - on days like that I've gone for perfection rather than beating a time or adding extra reps.  My view is that I'd rather do the exercises right and be safe than push too hard when I'm tired and risk injuring myself - which, as a self-employed personal trainer, I can't really afford to do!  I'm sure Dax would understand.

Today really felt like a slog but I gritted my teeth and got on with it, just.......

That's all!

DAY 21 - June 27, 2010

Late again - the days just gallop by in a whoosh of M.A.P. training, 1:1 clients, bootcamp and walking the dog - not a bad life, really!

I am rather frustrated at the moment.  Why?  Because the Evil Genius has given us an exercise that leaves me flailing around on the floor like some kind of upturned turtle!  I can't EVER imagine being able to do the damned thing!  GRRRRR........

Anyhoo, apart from that and still feeling a little tired I seem to be ticking along quite steadily - body-wise I don't think much more has changed recently, however, I feel I've really turned a corner with regard to the whole diet side of things.  I'm feeling far more in control and I just feel "lean" (not that I look particularly lean!) - it's really hard to explain.  You'll just have to try the Elimination Diet for yourself to find out......

Sunday 27 June 2010

DAY 20 - June 26, 2010

OK - I had some fantastic news yesterday!

I run a "Drop a Clothes Size In Just 4 Weeks Or Get Your Money Back" bootcamp in Ottershaw, Surrey.  We have one more week of the current bootcamp to run and we're looking at some amazing results: 3" off of waistlines, 14+lbs lost, 1.5" off of hips and a group of wonderful women who are glowing, loving exercise and loving the freedom of losing fat without dieting.

I'm so excited for them all and cannot thank them enough for all the hard work they've put in so far!It was another hot one today and I had a particularly early start, so my own training happened later in the day but got through it - just!

I'm on low carb days today and tomorrow - which is all doable and Simon's cooking tonight so I don't have to worry about that!  Mind you, I did do myself a rather yummy egg salad for lunch, yeah, I know not exactly "Gordon Blue" but it tasted good and filled me up!

I understand that there's a bit of a football match on tomorrow - so no reason for me not to exercise.........(I'm not a football fan!).

All up do date now - see you later........

DAY 19 - June 25, 2010

OK, so we got our M.A.P. update from Dax yesterday - the exercises are all bodyweight so that's good because we don't need equipment or much space BUT one of them I know from being a member of Dax's Fat Loss Reboot Club - a monthly subscription on-line exercise and diet service that he offers (check it out by clicking here and going to the "Links" list then choose Dax's free on line community and the group is there) and I find almost impossible to do and another one I find totally impossible to do!  So the challenge will be to see if practice really does make perfect....hell, I'm not worried about perfect - I just want to be able to do it!

Diet-wise there's another change.  Dax has introduced intermittent fasting into the carb-cycling pattern.  Actually, this is something I've been doing on and off for a while and I really enjoy it.  I already know that I'll fine the fasting easier than the carb-cycling.

OK - nearly up to date.....

DAY 18 - June 24, 2010

OK, I'm getting there with the catch up....

Today was a good day - my clients were slightly better spaced so I was able to do my M.A.P. workouts in the way that we're meant to.  I must admit it's far easier, too!

My ever ready training partner, Buddy, couldn't come interval training with me today because by the time I could go it was FAR too hot for him.  Poor little fella just doesn't know what to do with himself - I'd love to cool him down with the hose in the garden but he hates water!

Diet-wise I think I'm starting to get some interesting results but, as you know, I'm giving no details of any changes I'm getting until the final reveal.......I still won't be a second Twiggy though!

I'm looking forward to what the Evil Genius has in store for us - the M.A.P. week starts on a Friday - it's always a tense time!

Will report back VERY soon.....

DAY 17 - June 23, 2010

HA!  Back again!

Today was really tricky trying to fit in the exercise sessions as advised by Dax so I had to pair a couple of sessions - it was either do it that way or skip one and I really didn't want to skip anything.

I'm still feeling tired, I think it may be the combination of doing Dax's M.A.P., working, the recent change in the way in which I'm eating and the heat - I'm not blaming anything, just telling it the way it is which is the whole point o f blogging......

On to the next blog - back in a mo!

DAY 16 - June 22, 2010

Once again I'm having to apologise for the lateness of my blogging - it's been a busy week (which it great) and something just had to give and, unfortunately, it was this.......

All's going well so far - although I am finding the low carb days challenging - I think I may have already mentioned this so that just goes to show that I'm struggling with this aspect of M.A.P., however, I am pushing through and getting on with it - it's only 30 days after all, right?!  I don't want to let myself, or Dax, down.

Exercise-wise things have been a little tricky but, again, I've just had to make sure that it's getting done.

Also, and very excitingly, the weather here in the U.K. is getting HOT! (not something we're very used to!), so that has made exercising "interesting" - it certainly makes you increase your water intake, that's for sure.

And Buddy, bless him, is not that great in the heat.  He wanders around with his head hanging down looking pretty miserable so I have to do the Interval training as early as possible if he's to come with me.

That's that really - no just to bring the rest of my blog up to date.....back in a mo!

Tuesday 22 June 2010

DAY 15 - June 21, 2010

HA!  I'm rather pleased with myself today - I managed the Pyramid workout in 17'33"!  Given that when I did it the first time it took me almost 25', I'm really happy with that!

Unfortunately, I don't think I'll be pushing for a faster time as I think I may have aggravated an old shoulder injury and my main aim is to get through the 30 days without missing any of the training sessions.

On the upside though, I'm really noticing some definition in my arms and shoulders and my legs are looking more shapely, too - just waiting for the waist and hips to trim down a tad more and a certain Evil Genius (a.k.a. Dax Moy) will be at the top of my Christmas card list!

Right!  Off to see my last 1:1 client of the day - BYYYEEEE!

DAY 14 - June 20, 2010

Hi!  Well, to be honest, not much to report for today......basically all I did was paperwork and my workouts.  Simon was in charge of dog walking duties so I had a pretty chilled day!

Oh yes, it was a regular Elimination Diet day today so I had my smoothie for breakfast - man, it was GOOD!

Now back to another 3 days of low carb eating - it's not hard just a tad "samey".  Just as well I like eggs!

Anyhoo, I'm sure Dax knows what he's up to!

Sunday 20 June 2010

DAY 13 - June 19, 2010

A good day!

I had a 6am 1:1 client in Woking Park - a lovely start to the day and then onto my Fat Bustin' Bootcamp where the campers all worked like demons and are really happy with the results they're getting - not just in changing their shape and size but their general health, wellbeing and energy levels.  I LOVE my job!  :o)  Seems wrong to call it a "job" really......

Then home for my first workout of the day - Meltdown (click here to attend a FREE Meltdown class at Dax's London studio) - which I did in the garden and a late breakfast of scrambled eggs with Parma ham, leeks and broccoli - YUM!  Diet, what diet?!

Now onto the good bit: Simon and I have three BIG parties to go to during July and August so it was time to start trying on my posh frocks to see if I was anywhere near being able to get into any of them or if I was going to have to go shopping.......  Well, I got into ALL of them - I was soooo ecstatic I almost burst into tears (I know, I can be such a girl sometimes!).  A couple of them are fairly loose fitting but they just looked better for not catching on the "lumpy bits".  One of them is a beautiful devore number which is meant to "fit" but now it fits "properly" and the final one is long and quite "clingy" and although not quite right yet if I keep going with this MAP system of Dax's it will be just fine by July 3rd when I want to wear it!

I was so fired up by this that I gave some extra oomph to the rest of my workouts!

I'm sooooo excited and it's only day 13 - WEEEEEEEEE!

DAY 12 - June 18, 2010

A tad late again - ooops!

Still busy but not as bad as yesterday, however, what does eat into my time is Buddy's long walk of the day - I might have to start integrating the Interval Session into that......

Training-wise I'm REALLY enjoying the Evil Genius's new Dumbbell Matrix  - it's nice to have something new to work into the mix.  He calls it a 600 work out because, as with all Dax Moy's training sessions, it uses every single one of the 600 muscles in you body and believe me - you know it!  But I'm not complaining - I'm on this journey to make changes and those changes won't happen if I keep doing the same old thing.

Diet-wise we're "waving" again which I'm finding surprisingly do-able and as I've said before eating the ED (Elimination Diet) is really easy and pretty much how I eat most of the time anyway.  Click here for your FREE copy.

As you know, I'm keeping my results secret until our final reveal but what I am prepared to say is that I'm really happy with what I've achieved so far and I can't wait to see where I'll be by the end of the 30 days!

Watch this space!

Friday 18 June 2010

DAY 11 - June 17, 2010

Another chaotic day!  But I love it!  This is what it looked like:-

6am - 1:1 client in Woking Park
7:15am - Interval Session with Buddy - followed by breakfast
8:30am - 1:1 client at their home
9:45am - Pyramid
11am Ladies at Elleven networking in Cobham
2:20pm should have been at a consultation Engelfield Green but TomTom went t*tis up!
3:30pm Meltdown - followed by lunch
4:15pm Buddy's long walk
7pm - ICP - followed by dinner
9:45PM - Buddy's final walk of the day
10:30 - zzzzzzzzzzz

Dax has now posted our workouts for days 12-18 - there's another new one: Dumbbell Matrix, it looks awsome - I can't wait to do it!

Will report back tomorrow if I can raise my hands to the keyboard, that is!

Thursday 17 June 2010

DAY 10 - June 16, 2010

Hi!  Here I am again!

I was right to look forward to my breakfast smoothie - it was ORGASMIC!  I was slightly concerned that I'd want to drink them all day but no just the one at breakfast was enough.  In case you're interested, this is my breakfast smoothie recipe:-

  1 cup frozen berries
  1 small banana (or half a larger one)
  a small dollop of nut butter (I use either cashew or almond or hazelnut)
  a large dollop of plain, live Greek yoghurt
  a sploosh of Rice Dream

  whizz it all up with a hand blender and there you go - YUM!

All the ingredients are Elimination Diet compliant - why not download a copy here?

Sorry not to be too precise with the measurements but just play about with it and find the combo you like best.  Why not comment here and let me know what you use - I'm always open to new food ideas!

Exercise-wise.....again another busy day but I managed to get all 4 workouts done so I'm happy - with a sore butt (still!) - but happy.

Right!  Time to go and spend some time with Simon and Buddy......I will do my best to be back tomorrow - see you then!

DAY 9 - June 15, 2010

I know, I know - I'm late!

What with running a bootcamp, seeing 1:1 clients, meeting prospective clients for consultations, taking Buddy for his walks and doing 4 workouts a day something had to give and, unfortunately, it was this!

Today is the 3rd and final day of our fist diet "wave" - where we've been eating low carb (nothing 'Atkinsy' about this though!) - and I can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to my breakfast smoothie tomorrow!  Actually, it's not been as bad as I imagined it would be and the thought of doing it again for another 3 days from Thursday is strangely exciting - I know that probably sounds weird but the results I'm getting so far are really making it worth the effort!

Again, the challenge for me today has been fitting in the workouts but that's what I signed up with the Evil Genius (a.k.a. Dax Moy) to do so that's what I'm doing.  He never said it would be easy - simple maybe - easy NEVER!

Day 10 blog post to follow immediately!

Tuesday 15 June 2010

DAY 8 - June 14, 2010

So, the first week of Dax Moy's M.A.P. Challenge is over!  How do I feel?  Well, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little relieved!  I'm loving the exercise challenges and following the Elimination Diet isn't difficult even with the latest tweak - the biggest challenge for me is TIME!  Having said that, however, and apart from my glutes STILL being incredibly sore - I'm loving it!

I re-took my measurements yesterday and there have been changes but as we've not been asked to put them up on a weekly basis - you'll just have to wait until the 30 days is up to see what's happened to me!

Right!  Time for me and Buddy to take the last client of the day for a power walk.

See you tomorrow.

DAY 7 - June 13, 2010

Hi!  Yes, I am here - sorry I'm was soooooo relaxed that it just kind of melted away and yesterday I was super busy and the day just escaped!

So, Sunday - well, it was the usual start for Buddy and I - we did our Interval Session across the golf course which was a very nice start to the day.  Then it was home for a leisurely breakfast (sticking to the new rules, of course) of an omelet with asparagus, Parma ham and leeks - YUM!

Now it was time to tackle the new variation of our M.A.P. training sessions.  We're doing the same sessions PLUS delightful addition of a little thing called the Pyramid so now we have a total of 5 different workouts to do, however, we still only do 4 workouts so we don't do the same 4 everyday, the only one that is a constant is the Interval session.  Sounds confusing?  Not when you're doing it - the Evil Genius makes it super simple!

Then we - that's me and Simon my WONDERFUL husband - just hung out reading the papers while I recovered from my first encounter with the Pyramid.  It was tough but I really enjoyed it and because it was such a beautiful day again I was able to train in the garden which was lovely.

Lunch time already - FAB!  I finished off a piece of haddock from a couple of days ago - I steamed it with some veggies and had a HUGE salad!

What next?  Ah, Meltdown time!  Again, doing it in the garden was so nice -still hard work but lovely to feel a cooling breeze.  Actually, you can try a Meltdown class at Dax Moy's London studio by clicking here and following the link.......try it, you'll love it!

Buddy, who really is a good little dog, was getting rather fidgety so we took him for a lovely long walk where he ran through the grass chased dragonflies and NEARLY went up to his chest a pond - he's not too fond of water!

When we got back home it was time for my last workout of the day: the ever challenging ICP, except it wasn't quite so challenging so I really must re-test myself for this and make it hard again - POOP!

Dinner was a fantastic piece of beef that Simon roasted to perfection served with an array of veggies.

So THAT was my Sunday - pretty much was yours?

Sunday 13 June 2010

DAY 6 - June 12, 2010

What a BEAUTIFUL day!

Trained my first 1:1 client at 6am in Woking Park - it really is a pretty park and we had it all to ourselves.  The signets were on the grass by the pond and they looked SO cuuuuute!

Then home to inhale a quick breakfast smoothie and off to take the Fat Bustin' Bootcamp in Ottershaw.  This was the end of the campers first week and they're all doing really well; I'm looking forward to getting their updated measurements on Monday - they should make interesting reading!

Now it was time to start my own training.  As usual Buddy and I set off for the interval session - I actually quite enjoyed it!  Then home for a shower and some paperwork (boring).

I decided to exercise outside today as the weather was so lovely - Buddy thinks it's great fun too, especially when I'm doing press ups - he thinks that's his time to wash my face!  Now for something to eat - something quick and simple, that good old standby: veggies and hummus - perfect!  Before I knew it, it was time for ICP (I think I'm going to have to re-assess this soon).

Fun time now - Buddy and I wandered down to the local village fete.  Sometimes they hold a dog show and I was going to enter Buddy into the scruffiest dog group or the dog with the waggiest tail group but, alas, they didn't do it this year....

Then back home to whizz quickly through the Power Circuit and be ready in time for roast chicken, salad and new potatoes with the in-laws before the football started (yawn!).  Buddy and I fell asleep at this point!

The Evil Genius - a.k.a. Dax Moy - has told us what the changes are to next week's workouts and Elimination Diet.  Exercise-wise we have a delightful training session called the Pyramid - it's one of those that looks all innocent on paper but it'll be a real doozie!  Diet-wise we're going to be "waving" which is Dax's version of carb cycling.  Now, I must admit to being a bit of a carb junkie and I've never followed a carb cycling plan successfully so this coming week will be very interesting.......

And there you have it - back with Day 7 tomorrow.

Saturday 12 June 2010

DAY 5 - June 11, 2010

Well, today was "interesting" with regard to fitting in all my workouts.  I had a 1:1 PT client at 6:30am and another at 8:30am so Buddy and I squeezed the interval session in between them - I don't think I've ever showered and dressed so quickly!  Then when I got back from the second client I did Meltdown - and I nearly did!

THEN it was time for Buddy's Big Adventure!  We went to London on the train and took the tube - he was as good as gold!  We spent a lovely afternoon in Regent's Park with my friend Shula (who's over from NY with her baby Lila).  When we got back I did the ICP - not pretty! - I didn't do too well on my time but I did it and I guess that's the main thing and I finally finished up at about 10pm with the Power Circuit, had another shower and fell into bed.

Food-wise, I'm finding the Elimination Diet - pick up your free copy here - easy to stick to as I've been doing it for a while now and even though I'm being 100% compliant for the 30 days of Dax's M.A.P. Challenge, I never really stray too far from the protocols.  Why?  Because they work!  It's all about cutting out the cr*p and I feel sooo much better for it.

So that's me for yesterday - I'll be back again tomorrow to let you  know how Day 6 went.

Have a fab weekend!

Friday 11 June 2010

DAY 4 - June 10, 2010

Day 4 over and done already - and the good news is that the soreness is more or less gone, apart from my glutes, they are a little tender if I sit on a hard seat!

I feel like I'm really getting to grips with Dax Moy's workouts now and I'm actually starting to look forward to what he may have in store for us next week.  I say that because having participated in previous "challenges" he tends to ramp it up on a weekly basis.  The downside of course being that I will probably have to post another set of photos (sorry) and get the old tape measure out once more!  EEEEEK!

I've had someone ask to see my training partner so here you go - this is Buddy riding shotgun.  I'll see if I can get an action shot of him sometime - but he's sooooo fast.  Actually, it's a shame he's not a bit bigger because then he could pull me along!

So there we are, upward and onward with Day 5 - see ya tomorrow.

Thursday 10 June 2010

DAY 3 - June 9, 2010

So here we are at Day 3 of Dax Moy's 30 Day M.A.P. Challenge.
I did the Interval Session first again - and took Buddy of course!  The rest of the workouts were a bit of a struggle to fit in even though they only take about 15 mins each.......some days are just a bit bonkers!  I'm still struggling with the ICP but this can only get better, can't it?

I will admit to feeling slightly battered - actually, first thing in the morning I feel VERY battered.  It's as if I've been pushed down several flights of stairs in my sleep!  Then again, once I'm up and about and perhaps done one of Dax's Mobility Matrix warp ups I'm fine and ready to go.

Following Dax's Elimination Diet really isn't that hard - it's all about "clean" eating.  You can pick up a free copy by following this link to his website - it makes very interesting reading.

Some of the other victims - errr, I mean volunteers  ;o)  , following this program have already seen losses of 5lbs and 8" in the FIRST 3 DAYS!  How amazing is that?!  Unfortunately, I'm not one of them so I'm hoping for a "slow but steady" kind of result.

Right!  Time for shower #2 of the day - I'm not long back from seeing my first client of the day and I finished her session with the Interval Session so I trained her and me at the same time - perfect.....with Buddy, of course!

I'll be back tomorrow to tell you all about Day 4.

Wednesday 9 June 2010

DAY 2 - June 8, 2010

OK, so again I'm late - I think it's going to work out that I report back the next day, if you see what I mean......

So, Day 2 - how did it go?

Well, not too bad actually.  I'm not feeling particularly sore (I'm expecting that to hit in later today or tomorrow!) and really enjoyed the sessions.

I find them all challenging in their own way but the ICP really made me feel quite unecessary and a bit wobbly - I think I must have looked like Bambi when he's on the iced up pond - my body felt as if it belonged to someone else inasmuch as I seemed to have no control over it!

When I collapsed on the floor in a sweaty heap at the end, Buddy thought this was great fun and proceeded to bounce all over me - thank goodness he's only a small dog!

BUT I'm doing it and that's the main thing and hell, it's only for 30 days and we've done 2 already - SIMPLES!

On the up side, I know it's going to bet better - not necessarily easier - but  better....and if I stick with it I will, hopefully, look and feel fantastic at the end.  Then comes the challenge of staying that way but as I am a member of Dax Moy's Fat Loss Reboot Club I'm hoping that I should be OK on that score.  Anyway, I'm getting ahead of myself here I need to get this challenge done first!

And, on that note, I'm off to do my Day 3 Interval Session.

Now where's that dog.......

Tuesday 8 June 2010

DAY 1 - June 7, 2010

OK, here I am - better late than never, I guess......

I know I'm meant to blog every day but yesterday it was a toss up of actually doing the workouts OR skipping one and blogging, as you can see I chose the latter.

So, without further ado here are my (very scary) starting stats:-

Bust: 38.25"
Waist (at navel): 31.5"
Hips: 42" (Oh, Dear Lord!)
Arms: L: 12.75"  R: 12.5"
Thighs: L: 24" & 20.25"  R: 24.5"  & 20" (thunder thighs or what?!)

So what workouts does that Evil Genius Dax Moy have in store for us?  Well, we have to do 4x 15 minute (approx) wokouts per day for the next 30 days and the first three have to be done in a specific order:-

1.  Meltdown
2.  ICP (Individual Circuit Program)
3.  Power Circuit
4.  Intervals

The Intervals can be slotted in wherever.

How did I get on?  Not too bad - I have done some of these routines before but NEVER all in one day!  So I treated Day 1 very much as my starting point from which upwards is the only direction to go!

Meltdown - makes me VERY hot and sweaty and it's sheer bliss when it's over!
ICP - was nicely challenging - who knew 60 seconds could be so L-O-N-G?  Hmmm.... maybe I need new batteries in my stopwatch!
Power Circuit - this one always starts of feeling easy then creeps up to get you!
Intervals - I did these with my training partner - Buddy my dog!  He thinks I'm barking (barking - get it?!) mad but loves it anyway.

I'm already half way through Day 2 and I'll be back to report on that in full later.

Thursday 3 June 2010



My name is Jo and I'm a 49-year-old freelance personal trainer who needs help!  Being a "woman of a certain age" and having been vastly overweight (17st) until I was 30 I've always had trouble in shifting that last stone.

Well, help is at hand in the form of Dax Moy - check him out here: - and his new M.A.P. system.

There will be up to 1,000 of us taking part, it all kicks off on Monday and I'll be blogging every day to chart my progress.  All I know so far is that we will be doing 4x15 minute training sessions per day and following Dax's Elimination Diet - you can download this from Dax's website above.

To the left you can see my not very pretty "before" photos - my "after" photos will, hopefully, be SO much better!

So, with a song in my heart and a spring in my step (and a slight feeling of fear - I've done Dax's systems before!) I'm ready and raring to go!

Finally, I'd just like to wish all the others doing M.A.P. the best of luck and I'm sure the next 30 days will be one hell of an adventure!