Tuesday 8 June 2010

DAY 1 - June 7, 2010

OK, here I am - better late than never, I guess......

I know I'm meant to blog every day but yesterday it was a toss up of actually doing the workouts OR skipping one and blogging, as you can see I chose the latter.

So, without further ado here are my (very scary) starting stats:-

Bust: 38.25"
Waist (at navel): 31.5"
Hips: 42" (Oh, Dear Lord!)
Arms: L: 12.75"  R: 12.5"
Thighs: L: 24" & 20.25"  R: 24.5"  & 20" (thunder thighs or what?!)

So what workouts does that Evil Genius Dax Moy have in store for us?  Well, we have to do 4x 15 minute (approx) wokouts per day for the next 30 days and the first three have to be done in a specific order:-

1.  Meltdown
2.  ICP (Individual Circuit Program)
3.  Power Circuit
4.  Intervals

The Intervals can be slotted in wherever.

How did I get on?  Not too bad - I have done some of these routines before but NEVER all in one day!  So I treated Day 1 very much as my starting point from which upwards is the only direction to go!

Meltdown - makes me VERY hot and sweaty and it's sheer bliss when it's over!
ICP - was nicely challenging - who knew 60 seconds could be so L-O-N-G?  Hmmm.... maybe I need new batteries in my stopwatch!
Power Circuit - this one always starts of feeling easy then creeps up to get you!
Intervals - I did these with my training partner - Buddy my dog!  He thinks I'm barking (barking - get it?!) mad but loves it anyway.

I'm already half way through Day 2 and I'll be back to report on that in full later.

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