Sunday 27 June 2010

DAY 20 - June 26, 2010

OK - I had some fantastic news yesterday!

I run a "Drop a Clothes Size In Just 4 Weeks Or Get Your Money Back" bootcamp in Ottershaw, Surrey.  We have one more week of the current bootcamp to run and we're looking at some amazing results: 3" off of waistlines, 14+lbs lost, 1.5" off of hips and a group of wonderful women who are glowing, loving exercise and loving the freedom of losing fat without dieting.

I'm so excited for them all and cannot thank them enough for all the hard work they've put in so far!It was another hot one today and I had a particularly early start, so my own training happened later in the day but got through it - just!

I'm on low carb days today and tomorrow - which is all doable and Simon's cooking tonight so I don't have to worry about that!  Mind you, I did do myself a rather yummy egg salad for lunch, yeah, I know not exactly "Gordon Blue" but it tasted good and filled me up!

I understand that there's a bit of a football match on tomorrow - so no reason for me not to exercise.........(I'm not a football fan!).

All up do date now - see you later........


  1. Wow Jo - what do you do with those people in your boot camp?? What type of drills do you put them through? What kind of diet are they on? Those are great results!
    How are you doing, result wise, I mean?? Is something happening for you too? Sure hope so...

  2. I'm with Annette - I'd love to know about the boot camp - I need some of that once this programme has finished! Great going - it must be very motivating for you.

  3. Fantastic results from your bootcamp, must be so exciting to help others in that way.

  4. Hi Girls! Yes, my campers are doing FANTASTICALLY - I'm so proud of them. I just feel so luck to do a job I love - it feels wrong to call it a job, really! What do I have them doing? Well it's all bodyweight stuff (as I'm not it a position to provide lots of equipment) and it's interval based - you'd recognise some of the exercises from Dax! Diet-wise it's my take on ED but I also focus on hunger as well as clean eating. As an ex-big girl myself I like to address the emotional eating issue.

    Sue - you could always join Dax's Fat Loss Reboot when M.A.P. is over.....

  5. Thanks Jo - I probably will join Reboot - just need to get through the next 5 days! :o)
